Non Fiction

  • I Am Malala  (English, Paperback, Yousafzai Malala)


I Am Malala (English, Paperback, Yousafzai Malala)


  • Author :Malala Yousafzai
  • Genres :Biography
  • Language :English
  • Type :Ebook
  • Format :Pdf

This books are

Malala started writing a blog in 2009, before becoming an icon of courage and hope around the world. She wrote about all her bitter experiences in the Swat Valley under the unreasonable power of the Taliban. The girls were deprived of education. Malala Yousafzai slowly made her presence felt through her regular appearances in international media. She supported freedom of education for everyone, especially for young girls and women in Swat Valley and across the world. In October 2011, Malala was shot while boarding her school bus. One of the bullets even went through her forehead and into her shoulder. But the brave heart survived the attack and came back even stronger. People from across the globe stood on her side of the battle. This book is the story of her indomitable strength, which has made her a global figure of sheer grit, peace, and hope.

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