
Top 10 Frequently asked questions

  • Help & FAQs

    • This is the world largest online books store for all your Books, NCERT, FICTION and NON-FICTION as per needs. Whether you need school books for the students ones studing to school. books for the budding artists, degree books for college, or biography equipment for the reading, BookAmaze has it all.

  • Why should i buy from BookAmaze?

    • We ensure you a delightful shopping experience all the time, every time. Shopping for the beginning of the school session. Taking a day off to shop. Long queues at books shops. Books unavailable, waste times. And above all, an experience that should be full of the joy of getting new books does full of hassle and turns out to be an expensive affair.

  • What products do you sell?

    • We sell products of all the leading books brands for school children including products such as school books,story books, autobiography,entrance exams,science books,generel knowledge ,railway,ssc,banking,degree, romantics, commics etc. and stickers, vinyl paper, bike graphics currently

  • What are the delivery charges?

    • Yes, There is the delivery charges starting from Rs.70/order including COD

  • What is minimum order values?

    • There is no minimum or maximum orders value.

  • What are the payment option available here?

    • Through Paytm.
    • Credits card.
    • Net Banking.
    • Debit Card through Instamojo.
    • Cash On Delivery
  • What is your return/exchange/replacement policy?

    • We will replace your products in case of any damaged or torn items received. We will pick the damaged products from doorstep. You can also exchange your items as per the BookAmaze Exchange policy. We do not accept returns and only offer exchanges.Stickers are non-returnable.

  • Any hidden taxes and charges?

    • None at all. GST for products and service charges for deliveries and services are included in the rates mentioned. You can also see taxes paid in your invoice

  • How long will it take to receive my order?

    • For India: We are committed to delivering all orders within 5-6 days of the order being confirmed. This shipping policy applies to orders placed. BookAmaze also offers Next Day delivery on certain products.

  • For Other Country

    • BookAmaze products delivery under India Currently.

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